
day 8 - first rehearsal

Costume Measurements

I’ve had and conducted my fair share of costume measurements in my day but this was one of the most chill.  For one I wasn’t taking measurements, so that was nice to just be measured.  And I know all my sizes so I was able to answer all questions.  I’m always amazed by grown male actors who don’t know their pants size.  Is your mother still shopping for you?  But yeah, it was pretty routine – shirt size, show size, dress size.  Then they measured arms length, head, bust, etc.  We soon discovered that Elizabeth, the costume designer, and I have basically the same measurements.  Elizabeth told me I was pretty lucky because I would most likely never have to come in for a fitting – “Well if it fits me, it’ll fit Greer.”  Although I am sad that I won’t be spending more time with the costume team because they are a fun group. But costume measurements can be an awkward time for some and I thought Elizabeth and her assistants did a great job of making people feel comfortable.  There were several private stations and everyone was sort of chatting and socializing around.  Then amidst all the activity they just happened to measure you.  It was very relaxed. I am excited about my costume!

Greer Beckman